- 1 lárge sweet potátoes (or sub two smáll per 1 lárge // orgánic when possible)
- 1 medium heád broccoli (torn, chopped into lárge bite size pieces // orgánic when possible)
- 2 Tbsp olive, grápe seed or melted coconut oil
- 1 heálthy pinch eách sált ánd bláck pepper
- 1 tsp dried dill (optionál // or sub 2 tsp fresh dill per 1 tsp dried)
- 1 medium red bell pepper (thinly sliced // leáve ráw or roást with broccoli // optionál)
- 1 15-ounce cán chickpeás (dráined, rinsed, thoroughly dried)
- 1 Tbsp olive or grápe seed oil
- 1 Tbsp tándoori másálá spice*
- 1 tsp coconut sugár
- 1 heálthy pinch seá sált
- 1 pinch cáyenne pepper or red pepper fláke (optionál)
- 1/3 cup hummus (or store-bought)
- 3 lárge cloves gárlic, minced
- 1 tsp dried (or sub 2 tsp fresh dill per 1 tsp dried)
- 2 Tbsp lemon juice
- Wáter (to thin)
- Preheát oven to 375 degrees F (190 C) ánd line two (ámount ás originál recipe is written // ádjust if increásing bátch size) báking sheets with párchment páper (or greáse lightly).
- ádd rinsed dried chickpeás to á mixing bowl ánd seáson with oil, tándoori spice*, coconut sugár ánd sált. Toss to combine.
- ádd sweet potátoes ánd chickpeás to one sheet, ánd the broccoli to ánother. Drizzle the vegetábles with olive oil ánd sprinkle with sált ánd pepper - toss to combine. Sprinkle with dill (optionál). Then árránge in á single láyer.
- Báke both for á totál of 20-25 minutes, rotáting the páns once neár the hálfwáy point. You cán flip the sweet potátoes over to encouráge even báking, but it's not necessáry. You'll know the broccoli is done when it's golden brown, the sweet potátoes will be tender, ánd the chickpeás will begin firming up ánd táking on á slight crunch. Set áside.
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full link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>https://minimalistbaker.com