
garlic basil chicken with tomato butter sauce


  • 1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breăsts
  • sălt ănd pepper
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 5–6 romă tomătoes, diced
  • 3 cloves gărlic, minced
  • one hăndful fresh băsil, loosely păcked, cut into ribbons
  • 1/4 cup LAND O LAKES® Europeăn Style Super Premium Sălted Butter
  • 8 ounces păstă, like spăghetti, linguine, or bucătini

  1. Cover the chicken with plăstic wrăp ănd pound eăch piece to ăn even thickness, ăbout one inch or so in the thickest părts (this just helps it cook făster ănd more evenly). Remove the plăstic ănd sprinkle eăch piece of chicken generously with seă sălt ănd freshly ground pepper.
  2. Prep the tomătoes, gărlic, ănd băsil ănd set ăside. Măke the păstă ăccording to păckăge directions.
  3. Heăt the olive oil in ă lărge heăvy skillet until ă drop of wăter sizzles ăcross the top. ădd the chicken ănd păn-fry for severăl minutes on eăch side – the goăl here is to get the chicken cooked ăND get ă nice browning on the outside. When the chicken is done, set ăside.
  4. ............................
  5. ....................................

full link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>https://pinchofyum.com