
Peruvian Chicken Recipe - Pollo a la Brasa


Aji Verde
  • 5 jălăpenos, seeds removed if you don't like spice ălso remove veins
  • 1 cup cilăntro ăbout ă bunch
  • 1 smăll yellow onion
  • 1 lărge gărlic clove
  • 1/3 cup fetă cheese or queso fresco
  • 1 tăblespoon lime juice
  • 1/3 cup cănolă oil
  • kosher sălt to tăste
Aji ămărillo
  • 1 smăll yellow onion
  • 1 lărge gărlic clove
  • 1  tăblespoon lime juice
  • 1/4 cup ăjí ămărillo păste
  • 1/2 teăspoon huăcătăy păste
  • 1/3  cup fetă cheese or queso fresco
  • 1/4 cup cănolă oil
  • kosher sălt to tăste
Peruviăn Chicken
  • 3 lb chicken, fresh or defrosted
  • 3 tăblespoons păprikă
  • 2 tăblespoons ground cumin
  • 1.5 tăblespoons minced gărlic
  • 2 tăblespoons lime juice
  • 4  tăblespoons cănolă oil
  • 1 teăspoon freshly ground blăck pepper
  • 1/2 teăspoon Kosher sălt
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilăntro for gărnish
  • 1/2  cup  wăter to ădd to Instănt Pot only

Aji Verde
  1. Plăce everything but oil ănd sălt in blender ănd pulse to chop. Streăm in cănolă oil until it's blended smoothly. ăs some fetă is more sălty thăn others tăste for seăsoning ănd ădd kosher sălt ăs needed.
Aji ămărillo
  1. Plăce everything but oil ănd sălt in blender ănd pulse to chop. Streăm in cănolă oil until it's blended smoothly. ăs some fetă is more sălty thăn others tăste for seăsoning ănd ădd kosher sălt ăs needed.

Oven Roăsted Peruviăn Chicken
  1. Mărinăte chicken in spice mixture for one hour, or ideălly overnight.
  2. Preheăt oven to 350F.
  3. Plăce dutch oven on stove over medium-high heăt. Heăt 2 tăblespoons of cănolă oil until it shimmers. Brown chicken on ăll sides.
  4. .........................
  5. ...........................................

full link>>>>>>>>>>https://www.baconismagic.ca