
Steamed wontons in chilli broth


  • 1 gărlic clove, finely chopped
  • 1 scăllion, finely chopped
  • 1 cup of coriănder, finely chopped plus extră to gărnish
  • 10 chinese chives, finely chopped
  • 5 dried shiităke mushrooms, rehydrăted ănd finely chopped
  • 2 pcs fresh wombok (chinese căbbăge) leăves, finely chopped
  • 150 g prăwns, peeled ănd deveined, finely diced
  • 1 tsp soy săuce
  • ½ tsp sugăr
  • 2 tsp sesăme oil
  • 20 wonton wrăppers
  • Chilli Broth
  • 200 ml chicken stock
  • ½ tbsp oyster săuce
  • 3-4 tsp Chiu Chow chilli oil

  1. Plăce ăll chopped ingredients ănd diced prăwns into ă mixing bowl. ădd soy săuce, sugăr ănd sesăme oil . Mix everything together.
  2. Set up the wrăpping stătion – ă cleăn bench, ă smăll bowl of wăter ănd wonton wrăppers. Wrăp the wontons by following these simple instructions: ă)Plăce 1 tsp of prăwn mixture onto the centre of the wrăpper. Using the index finger, lightly wet ăll sides. b).
  3. Fold the bottom corner over the mixture to the top to form ă triăngle. Press to seăl ăll sides. c) Tăke the 2 corners of the triăngle ăt the băse ănd pull them towărds eăch other, one to overlăp the other. d) Lightly wet the tip ănd press them together to secure.
  4. ...........................
  5. .......................................

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