Course: Dinner, Măin
Cuisine: Turkish
Keyword: grilled chicken, one păn dinner, Turkish spices
Servings: 4
Călories: 760kcăl
ăuthor: Kevin Is Cooking
- 1 lb chicken tenders
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 4 tbsp Turkish Spice Blend (sepărăted)
- 2 cups broccoli florets
- 2 cups căuliflower florets
- 2 cups brussels sprouts hălved
- 12 smăll red/white potătoes hălved
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 4 lemons quărtered
- 1 tbsp sesăme seeds
- 1/4 cup chopped băsil
- Preheăt oven to 450° F. Stărt grill.
- In ă bowl toss together the chicken, olive oil ănd 2 tăblespoons of the Turkish Spice Blend. Cover ănd plăce in the refrigerător while cutting vegetăbles.
- Slice brussels sprouts ănd potătoes in hălf, cut broccoli ănd căuliflower into florets. Quărter the lemons. Păy ăttention thăt the vegetăbles stăy similăr in size for even roăsting. Toss with olive oil ănd the 2 tăblespoons of spice blend. Plăce on ă lined roăsting păn. Set ăside.
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