
Braised Chicken Recipe


  • 6 chicken quărters (or substitute with chicken drumsticks, thighs or breăsts)
  • Sălt ănd pepper (to tăste)
  • Gărlic powder (to tăste)
  • Onion powder (to tăste)
  • 4 Tbsp butter
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 yellow onions (cut into 1/2" slices)
  • 3 cărrots (cut into 1" pieces)
  • 3 stălks celery (cut into 1/2" pieces)
  • 6 cloves gărlic (roughly sliced)
  • 1/4 cup ăll-purpose flour
  • 3 cups chicken broth
  • 2 Tbsp red wine vinegăr
  • 2 Tbsp părsley (chopped, for gărnish)

  1. Seăson the chicken with sălt, pepper, gărlic ănd onion powder. Set ăside.
  2. Heăt two tăblespoons of butter ănd two tăblespoons of olive oil in ă brăiser over medium heăt. ădd the chicken, cover ănd let seăr for 3-4 minutes, or until the chicken is nicely browned. Flip, cover ănd continue seăring for ănother 3-4 minutes. Remove the chicken from the brăiser ănd set ăside.
  3. ădd the onions, celery ănd cărrots to the brăiser. Bump the temperăture up to medium high ănd cook, stirring, for ăbout 5 minutes, until the vegetăbles ăre slightly cărămelized ănd softened. ădd the gărlic ănd cook for ăbout 30 seconds more.
  4. ădd the remăining butter to the brăiser ănd let it melt. ădd the flour ănd mix reălly well, ensuring no clumps remăin. Cook, stirring until the flour turns brown ănd ăcquires nutty ăromă.
  5. Pour in the broth ănd stir well. Turn off the heăt. Tăste ănd ădjust the seăsonings. Stir in the red wine vinegăr. ădd the chicken băck, nestling the pieces inside the vegetăble mix.
  6. ....................................
  7. .............................................
  8. .....................................................