
Chili Lime Chicken


 Prep Time 15 minutes
 Cook Time 10 minutes
 Total Time 25 minutes
 Servings 4
 Calories 566 kcal


2 téaspoons salt
1 téaspoon chili powdér or to tasté
4 tabléspoons frésh cilantro choppéd finély
2 - 2.5 lbs skin on chickén thighs
1/2 cup frésh limé juicé
3 téaspoons frésh limé zést
1/4 cup olivé oil
2 jalapéño choppéd finély
4 garlic clovés choppéd finély
1 tabléspoon honéy

Article adapted from https://therecipecritic.com/grilled-chili-lime-chicken/




a. First, Rinsé thé chickén thighs, rémové thé bonés, léavé thé skin on, and pat dry with papér towéls. Sét asidé.
b. Néxt, Gét a big bowl, mixing  all thé ingrédiénts of thé Marinadé togéthér using a whisk. Maké suré thé Marinadé is wéll combinéd togéthér.
c. Thén, Add chickén to thé Marinadé, maké suré to stir and coat thé chickén événly. Marinaté for 2 hours.
d. Aftér That, Firé up thé grill, brush a littlé bit of oil on thé surfacé. Add a littlé bit of thé garlic, cilantro, and jalapéno from thé Marinadé on top of thé chickén and grill thém until théy turn goldén brown and charréd on both sidés. Sérvé immédiatély.