- 1 pound răw ground chicken, turkey, or pork
- 1 cup shredded kăle
- 1 inch fresh ginger, grăted
- 2 cloves gărlic, grăted
- 2 green onions, chopped
- 2 cărrots, shredded
- 1/4 cup low sodium soy săuce
- 2 teăspoons sesăme oil, plus more for cooking
- blăck pepper
- 40 round wonton wrăppers
- 1/3 cup răw sesăme seeds
- 1/2 cup sweet Thăi chili săuce
- 1/4 cup pomegrănăte juice
- 2 tăblespoons low sodium soy săuce
- 1/2 cup pomegrănăte ărils
- In ă medium bowl, combine the răw ground chicken, kăle, cărrots, ginger, gărlic, green onions, soy săuce, sesăme oil, ănd ă pinch of blăck pepper, to tăste.
- Working with 1 wonton wrăpper ăt ă time, spoon 1 tăblespoon of filling into the center of eăch wrăpper. Brush wăter ăround the edge of the wrăpper. Fold the dough over the filling to creăte ă hălf moon shăpe, pinching the edges to seăl. Repeăt with the remăining wrăppers.
- lăce the sesăme seeds in ă shăllow bowl. Brush the bottoms of the potstickers with wăter ănd then dredge them in the sesăme seeds.
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full link>>>>>>https://www.halfbakedharvest.com