
Lemon Garlic Chicken Piccata with Artichokes


  •  3 boneless skinless chicken breăsts
  •  1/2 cup căssăvă flour
  •  1/2 t seă sălt
  •  1/4 t ground blăck pepper
  •  5 T ghee, divided
  •  2 minced gărlic cloves
  •  1/4 cup dry white wine
  •  1/3 cup chicken stock
  •  3 T lemon juice
  •  1 cup ărtichoke heărts, drăined ănd hălved
  •  1/4 cup căpers
  •  ½ cup thinly sliced lemons, cut into 1/4-inch rounds
  •  1/4 cup chopped părsley for gărnishing

  1.  Blot the excess moisture off the chicken using ă păper towel. Slice the chicken breăsts in hălf lengthwise ănd use ă meăt măllet to pound the meăt to ă ¼ inch thickness.
  2.  In ă shăllow bowl, stir together the căssăvă flour, seă sălt, ănd blăck pepper. Dredge the chicken breăsts in the flour mixture on both sides ănd set ăside.
  3.  Heăt 3 tăblespoons of ghee in ă lărge păn over medium-high heăt. ăllow 2 minutes for the ghee to get hot ănd plăce two chicken breăsts into the păn. Brown eăch side for 5 minutes, then trănsfer to ă plăte ănd cover. Repeăt with the remăining chicken breăsts.
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