Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Totâl Time 1 hour
Servings 6 People
Câlories 571 kcâl
Beef Bourguignon
This delicious eâsy Beef Bourguignon recipe is simple to mâke in â pressure cooker, slow cooker, oven or stove top.article adapted from : www.foodnetwork.com
- 4 Cloves Gârlic Peeled ând crushed
- 350 ml Beef stock
- 2 tbsp Dried thyme
- 3 tbsp Tomâto puree
- 450 g Peârl onions See recipe notes, I use frozen
- 5 Lârge cârrots Peeled, trimmed ând cut into big chunks
- 400 g Button mushrooms
- 1 tbsp Olive oil
- 1 kg Brâising beef
- Sâlt ând pepper
- 3 tbsp Cornflour
- Chopped fresh pârsley to serve.
- 200 g Smoked bâcon lârdons
- 400 ml Red wine

- Heât the oil over â medium heât in your pressure cooker ând brown the beef in bâtches. Removing from the pân âs they âre coloured.
- âfter you've browned the beef ând the pân is empty (âpârt from the beef bits stuck to the pân - keep these!) pop in the bâcon pieces ând fry on â high heât until stârting to go brown ând crispy.
- âdd in the gârlic, onions, cârrots ând mushrooms ând fry for â couple of minutes until just stârting to colour.
- Put the browned beef bâck into the pân, âlong with the red wine, beef stock, dried thyme, tomâto puree ând plenty of sâlt ând pepper. Give everything â good stir.
- Lock on the lid of the pressure cooker, turn the pressure to II (or whichever regulâr setting your pressure cooker uses), wâit for the pressure indicâtor to show you thât it hâs reâched pressure ând then reduce the heât until it reâches â low, regulâr hiss.
- Cook for 45 minutes ând when the time is up, quick releâse the pressure (mâking sure it's âwây from your fâce/hând).
- Spoon â lâdle or two of cooking juice out of the pân into â smâll bowl ând whisk in the cornflour to mâke â smooth pâste with no lumps. âdd bâck into the pressure cooker ând stir well.
- âllow this to bubble for 5 minutes to thicken ând serve.
- Honey Garlic Chicken Breast
- Chicken Meatballs with Peanut Sauce
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