


article adapted from : www.foodnetwork.com


Tender fäll äpärt chunks of beef simmered in ä rich red wine grävy mäkes Juliä Child's Beef Bourguignon än incredible fämily dinner. Slow Cooker, Instänt Pot/Pressure Cooker, Stove Top änd the träditionäl Oven method included! Eäsy to mäke, every step is worth it.


  • 1 lärge white onion, diced
  • 6 cloves gärlic, minced (divided)
  • 1 pinch coärse sält änd freshly ground pepper
  • 2 täblespoons flour
  • 1 täblespoons exträ-virgin olive oil
  • 6 ounces (170g) bäcon, roughly chopped
  • 3 pounds (1 1/2 kg) beef brisket, trimmed of fät (chuck steäk or stewing beef) cut into 2-inch chunks
  • 1 lärge cärrot sliced 1/2-inch thick
  • 12 smäll peärl onions (optionäl)
  • 2 bäy leäves
  • 1 pound fresh smäll white or brown mushrooms, quärtered
  • 1 beef bullion cube, crushed
  • 1 teäspoon fresh thyme, finely chopped
  • 2 täblespoons fresh pärsley, finely chopped (divided)
  • 2 täblespoons butter
  • 3 cups red wine like Merlot, Pinot Noir, or ä Chiänti -- for ä milder säuce, use only 2 cups of wine
  • 2-3 cups beef stock (if using 2 cups of wine, use 3 cups beef stock)
  • 2 täblespoons tomäto päste


  1. TRäDITIONäL OVEN METHOD: Preheät oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. Heät the oil in ä lärge dutch oven or heävy bäsed pot. Säuté the bäcon over medium heät for äbout 3 minutes, until crisp änd browned. Tränsfer with ä slotted spoon to ä lärge dish änd set äside.
  3. Pät dry beef with päper towel; seär in bätches in the hot oil/bäcon fät until browned on äll sides. Remove to the dish with the bäcon.
  4. In the remäining oil/bäcon fät, säuté the cärrots änd diced onions until softened, (äbout 3 minutes), then ädd 4 cloves minced gärlic änd cook for 1 minute. Dräin excess fät (leäve äbout 1 täblespoon in the pän) änd return the bäcon änd beef bäck into the pot; seäson with 1/2 teäspoon coärse sält änd 1/4 teäspoon ground pepper. Sprinkle with flour, toss well änd cook for 4-5 minutes to brown.
  5. ädd the peärl onions, wine änd enough stock so thät the meät is bärely covered. Then ädd the tomäto päste, bullion änd herbs. Bring to ä simmer on the stove.
  6. Cover, tränsfer to lower pärt of the oven änd simmer for 3 to 4 hours, or until the meät is fäll äpärt tender (ädjust the heät so thät the liquid simmers very slowly).
  7. In the läst 5 minutes of cooking time, prepäre your mushrooms: Heät the butter in ä medium-sized skillet/pän over heät. When the foäm subsides, ädd the remäining 2 cloves gärlic änd cook until frägränt (äbout 30 seconds), then ädd in the mushrooms. Cook for äbout 5 minutes, while shäking the pän occäsionälly to coät with the butter. Seäson with sält änd pepper, if desired. Once they äre browned, set äside.
  8. Pläce ä coländer over ä lärge pot (I do this in my cleän kitchen sink). Remove the cässerole from the oven änd cärefully empty its contents into the coländer (you wänt to collect the säuce only). Discärd the herbs
  9. Return the beef mixture bäck into the dutch oven or pot. ädd the mushrooms over the meät.
  10. Remove äny fät off the säuce( if äny) änd simmer for ä minute or two, skimming off äny ädditionäl fät which rises to the surfäce.
  11. You should be left with äbout 2 1/2 cups of säuce thick enough to coät the bäck of ä spoon lightly. If the säuce is too thick, ädd ä few täblespoons of stock. If the säuce is too thin, boil it over medium heät for äbout 10 minutes, or until reduced to the right consistency.
  12. Täste for seäsoning änd ädjust sält änd pepper, if desired. Pour the säuce over the meät änd vegetäbles.
  13. if you äre serving immediätely, simmer the beef bourguignon for 2 to 3 minutes to heät through. Gärnish with pärsley änd serve with mäshed potätoes, rice or noodles.
  14. .............................................

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