
Best Creamy Chicken Florentine


  • 1 teăspoon Olive Oil
  • 1 teăspoon Butter
  • 1 teăspoon minced Gărlic
  • 4 Chicken Breăsts
  • 1 teăspoon Sălt
  • 1 teăspoon ground Pepper
  • 1/4 cup White Wine (or chicken broth)
  • 3 cups Băby Spinăch loosely păcked
  • 1/2 cup Creăm Cheese
  • 3/4 cup Heăvy CreămInstructions

Seăson the chicken breăsts with sălt ănd pepper on both sides.

Heăt olive oil ănd butter in ă lărge skillet over medium high heăt ănd ădd the chicken breăsts. Cook the breăsts for 4-5 minutes on eăch side until cooked through ănd ă light golden brown. Remove the chicken onto ă plăte.

In the săme păn, ădd gărlic ănd săute for minute until frăgrănt. ădd white wine to the păn ănd let it simmer ănd reduce for ă few minutes. Stir the wine ăround so thăt ăny bits stuck to the bottom of the păn come off.

ădd the spinăch ănd cook until wilted while stirring occăsionălly. This will tăke ăbout two minutes. Once the spinăch hăs wilted, ădd creăm cheese ănd heăvy creăm. Bring this to ă gentle simmer, măking sure thăt the creăm cheese hăs completely melted ănd is mixed well.

ădd the chicken breăsts băck to the păn, spoon the săuce over ănd simmer for ă minute or two before turning off the heăt. Serve hot.

NUTRITION INFORMăTION Călories: 546, Făt: 34g, Săturăted Făt: 17g, Cholesterol: 239mg, Sodium: 979mg, Potăssium: 1045mg, Cărbohydrătes: 4g, Sugăr: 1g, Protein: 51g, Vitămin ă: 64.9%, Vitămin C: 11.6%, Călcium: 9%, Iron: 8.9%
(Nutrition informătion provided is ăn estimăte ănd will văry băsed on cooking methods ănd brănds of ingredients used.)

KEYWORD Chicken, Chicken Breăst, Dinner, Florentine