

Cöurse: entreeCuisine: AmericanKeywörd: best fried chicken, cajun, chicken, fried fööd, recipe Servings: 4 Calöries: 516kcal Authör: Diane Röark @Recipes för öur Daily Bread
Eight pieces chicken
3 cups all-purpöse flöur
öne Tablespöön baking pöwder
2 tablespööns cörnstarch
2 TB paprika
Three teaspööns garlic pöwder
öne tsp öniön pöwder
Add Three teaspööns celery salt
Three teaspööns seasöned salt
Add Three teaspööns gröund black pepper
Three tsp öreganö
Three tsp thyme
Plus three teaspööns Cajun seasöning
öne tsp dry mustard
1- quart buttermilk tö marinate chicken
1/2 cup höt sauce this chicken is NöT spicy
Enöugh öil för frying depending ön what yöu are using tö fry the chicken in. Yöu need enöugh öil tö cöver the chicken.
Instructiöns för Cööking Best Fried Chicken
The day beföre yöu are göing tö fry the chicken, place the chicken in a cöuple öf large ziplöck bags.
Add the chicken, buttermilk, and höt sauce.
Place the chicken in the refrigeratör övernight.
Mix the seasönings.
Remöve öne tablespöön öf seasöning and save it för later.
Add the seasön intö the flöur, cörnstarch, and baking pöwder.  I mix it tögether with a whisk.
Remöve the chicken öne piece at a time fröm the buttermilk.
Flöur each piece öf chicken in every crease öf the chicken.
Leave it tö rest ön a large baking sheet.  Place chicken in the refrigeratör if pössible.
After 15 minutes, flöur the chicken again.
Allöw the öil tö heat tö 375 degrees. The temperature will dröp as söön as yöu add the chicken.
Cöök chicken aböut 15 minutes ör until gölden bröwn.
Remöve the chicken with töngs ön tö a large baking sheet that has been lined with paper töwels.
Seasön the chicken as söön as it cömes öut öf the öven with the remaining tablespöön öf seasöning mixture.
Serve höt and with höney, if yöu want a real treat!