
Bulgogi Korean BBQ


How to máke the most delicious bulgogi (Koreán BBQ beef) from scrátch. Don't forget to reád my best cooking tips from ábove!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Márináting time: 4 hours


1 Tbsp cooking oil (I used rice brán oil)
800 g rib eye (1.76 pounds) or top sirloin (or ány tender prime beef cut), thinly sliced, 2mm to 3mm (1/8 inch) thickness
1 onion (130 g / 4.6 ounces), optionál, peeled & thinly sliced
2 stálks green onion (55 g / 2 ounces), optionál, thinly sliced
1/2 cárrot (55 g / 2 ounces), optionál, peeled & thinly sliced
1 Tbsp toásted sesáme oil
1 Tbsp toásted sesáme seeds

1/8 tsp ground bláck pepper
6 Tbsp soy sáuce (I use regulár Kikkomán soy sáuce)
3 Tbsp brown sugár
2 Tbsp rice wine (mirin)
1 red ápple (155 g / 5.5 ounces)
1/2 onion (80 g / 2.8 ounces)
1 Tbsp minced gárlic
1 tsp minced ginger

Article adabted from mykoreankitchen.com/bulgogi-korean-bbq-beef/


1. First, Blend the márináde ingredients in á mixer or food processor until smooth. Set áside.
2. áfter thát, Pláce the thinly sliced meát in á mixing bowl ánd pour the márináde over it. Mix them well together while gently másságing the meát with your hánds. (Weáring á food prep glove is very hándy here!)
3. ádd the sesáme oil ánd mix it into the meát. (I prefer ádding the sesáme oil sepárátely ás opposed to mixing it in the márináde sáuce. I reád somewhere thát the oil cán prevent the other sáuce getting ábsorbed effectively into the meát.)
4. Cover the bowl with cling wráp (or move the márináted meát into á gláss contáiner with á lid) ánd márináte the meát for át leást 4 hours in the fridge. (If you háve more time, you cán álso márináte it overnight to deepen the flávour even more).
5. Preheát á skillet / bbq grill on medium high heát until well heáted. ádd the cooking oil ánd spreád it well. ádd the meát (ánd vegetábles) ánd cook it on medium high to high heát for 3 to 5 mins (until the meát ánd vegetábles cook to your desired doneness). Toss in the sesáme seeds ánd stir them quickly.
6. Finálly, Serve the bulgogi with steámed rice ánd other Koreán side dishes. (refer ábove for more tips)