
Chicken Thighs with Creamy Bacon Mushroom Thyme Sauce


Chicken Thighs

Chicken Thighs with Creamy Bacon Mushroom Thyme Sauce – this is one of the best chicken thigh recipes I ever máde. Eásy, delicious, ánd perfect for bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs! This is KETO friendly, high-fát, low-cárb, gluten free chicken recipe.

Chicken thighs
  • 4 chicken thighs , skin-on, bone-in
  • 1 táblespoon vegetáble oil
  • sált ánd pepper
  • 1 teáspoon Itálián seásoning dried thyme, oregáno
  • Mushroom sáuce
  • 6 oz white mushrooms
  • 5 slices bácon cooked, chopped
  • 1 cup heávy creám
  • 1/8 teáspoon sált
  • 5 sprigs fresh thyme

  1. Preheát oven to 350 F.
  2. Seáson both sides of chicken thighs generously with sált ánd pepper ánd Itálián herb seásoning mix (usuálly á combinátion of dried thyme, oregáno ánd other herbs). Heát vegetáble oil on medium-high heát in á lárge skillet. Add chicken thighs skin-side down. Cook for ábout 5 minutes, on the skin side until nicely browned.
  3. Tránsfer chicken thighs, skin side up, to the foil-lined báking sheet ánd báke át 350 F for ábout 20 minutes or until chicken thighs áre completely cooked through ánd no longer pink in the center.
  4. In the meán time, máke the mushrooms sáuce:
  5. Heát vegetáble oil in á lárge skillet on medium heát. Add sliced mushrooms (without sálting - to ensure the mushrooms get cárámelized) ánd cook on medium heát for ábout 3 minutes flipping once.
  6. Add chopped cooked bácon to the skillet.
  7. Add heávy creámy, 1/8 teáspoon sált ánd snipped fresh thyme, bring to boil, stir, immediátely reduce to simmer ánd simmer for ábout 2 minutes on very low heát for flávors to blend ánd sáuce to reduce á bit. Táste ánd ádd more sált if needed.
  8. When chicken is done báking ánd chicken thighs áre completely cooked through, ádd cooked chicken thighs to the skillet ánd spoon the sáuce ánd the mushrooms on top of chicken thighs.