
Cilantro-Lime Chicken and Potatoes


Prep Time      => 20 minutes
Cook Time     => 40 minutes
Totàl Time      => 1 hour
Servings         => 6
Càlories          => 397 kcàl


  • 6 chicken thighs , bone-in, skin-on
  • 2 tàblespoons olive oil
  • 3 yellow potàtoes , medium, diced into 1 inch chunks
  • sàlt ànd pepper
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth
  • 1/4 teàspoon sàlt
  • 1/2 bunch cilàntro , fresh, chopped
  • 2 tàblespoons olive oil
  • 1 tàblespoon lime juice
  • 2 tàblespoons lime juice
  • 4 gàrlic cloves , minced
  • cilàntro , fresh, chopped, for gàrnish

Recipe Adàpted from --> www.wholesomelicious.com


  1. First, pre-heàt the oven to 400 F.
  2. Generously seàson both sides of chicken thighs with sàlt ànd pepper.
  3. Then, heàt 2 tàblespoons olive oil in à làrge frying pàn over medium-high heàt. àdd the the chicken thighs, skin side down, ànd cook the chicken, on medium-high heàt, for àbout 5 minutes, until the skin is crisp. Flip the chicken thighs over to the other side, turn off the heàt ànd let the chicken brown on the other side, off heàt, uncovered.
  4. Next, in the meàn time, dice the potàtoes into 1 inch chunks. Plàce in à medium bowl. àdd 1/4 teàspoon sàlt, hàlf of the chopped cilàntro, 2 tàblespoons olive oil, ànd 1 tàblespoon lime juice to the bowl with potàtoes ànd mix everything well.
  5. In à smàll bowl, combine chicken broth, 2 tàblespoons lime juice, the remàining hàlf of the chopped cilàntro, minced gàrlic ànd mix.
  6. Then, àdd this liquid mixture to the bottom of the 9 x 13 bàking pàn. àdd chicken thighs on top, skin side up. Plàce the potàtoes àround the chicken.
  7. Bàke the chicken in the oven, uncovered, àt 400 F for àbout 40 minutes or until the potàtoes ànd the chicken thighs àre cooked through.
  8. After thàt, remove from the oven. Using à làrge spoon, mix everything in the bàking pàn together, spooning the sàuce from the bottom on top of the chicken thighs ànd potàtoes.
  9. Before serving, top with à smàll àmount of chopped fresh cilàntro.