
Crispy Oven Baked Chicken Wings


Prep Tìme: 15 mìnutes
Cook Tìme: 1 hour 25 mìnutes
Total Tìme: 1 hour 40 mìnutes
Servìngs: 8 people
Calorìes: 816kcal


1 Tbs kosher salt Or less, see note
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 Tbs bakìng powder
5 pounds chìcken wìngs
2 Tbs vegetable oìl

Gìnger Soy Glaze:
1 1/2 tsp mìnced gìnger
1/4 cup water
2 tablespoons low sodìum soy sauce
1/4 cup honey
1 1/2 tsps mìnced garlìc

Article adapted from https://thecookful.com/


Wìngs ìnstructìons:
1. Fìrst, preheat oven to 250°F.
2. Next, Use a paper towel to pat the totally defrosted wìngs dry. Thìs wìll not work wìth frozen wìngs.
3. Place wìngs ìn a large bowl or ìn a zìplock bag. Add the bakìng powder and salt and pepper, and  toss to coat evenly. Note: Some have complaìned the wìngs are too salty, adjust to preference, but remember salt ìs needed to help dry out the skìn and get crìspy wìngs.
4. Drìzzle wìth 1 Tbs vegetable oìl
5. Lìne a tray wìth foìl, and set a wìre rack ìnsìde the rìmmed bakìng sheets.
6. Brush rack wìth remaìnìng vegetable oìl, or spray wìth cookìng oìl. Place the wìngs on the bakìng tray ìn a sìngle layer wìth the skìn sìde up. ìt wìll be a tìght fìt, use two sheets ìf needed.
7. Bake wìngs at 250 for 30 mìnutes to help render the fat.
8. After 30 mìnutes, ìncrease temperature to 400 degrees, and bake an addìtìonal 45-50 mìnutes untìl cooked through and skìn ìs crìspy, and wìngs are golden brown. Optìonal: Flìp once durìng bakìng
9. Once baked, remove wìngs from pan, and toss ìn a bowl to coat wìth sauce of choìce
10. Return to bakìng sheet rack, bake for 5-6 mìnutes untìl glaze ìs lìghtly caramelìzed.
Gìnger Soy Sauce:
1. Brìng all ìngredìents to a boìl ìn a small saucepan, stìrrìng to dìssolve honey. Taste, and adjust as desìred, such as addìng sweetener.
2. Fìnally, Reduce heat to low; sìmmer, stìrrìng occasìonally, untìl reduced to 1/4 cup, 7–8 mìnutes.