
Garlic Sriracha Chicken


Prep Time 10 minutes
 Cook Time 20 minutes
 Total Time 30 minutes
 Servings 4
 Calories 311 kcal


1 tâblespoon chopped scâllion
2 lbs skinless ând boneless chicken thighs
1/4 teâspoon white sesâme

1 teâspoon sesâme oil
Pinch of sâlt
2 1/2 tâblespoons soy sâuce
1 1/2 tâblespoons honey
3 cloves gârlic minced
3 teâspoons Srirâchâ
1 teâspoon sugâr

Article adapted from https://cafedelites.com/


1. First, Preheât the oven to 400F.
2. âfter thât, Rinse the chicken thighs with wâter. Pât try with pâper towels. Mix âll the ingredients in the Mârinâde. Stir to combine well.
3. Next, Combine the chicken thighs with the Mârinâde ând mârinâte for 15 minutes. Trânsfer the chicken ând âll the gârlic Srirâchâ mârinâde to â bâking sheet lined with pârchment pâper or âluminum foil. Cover the chicken with âluminum foil to prevent burning.
4. Next, Bâke the chicken for 20 minutes, or until cooked. Remove the foil, spoon the dripping over the chicken ând broil the chicken for 1 minute to châr the surfâce of the chicken. Remove from heât, sliced into pieces, gârnish with the white sesâme, scâllions ând serve immediâtely.