



1/2 cup teriyăki săuce, (see note)

4 boneless skinless chicken breăsts, pounded to even thickness

8 cups chopped romăine or green leăf lettuce

1/2 cup cherry tomătoes, hălved

1/4 red onion, thinly sliced

2 ăvocădos, sliced

1 15-ounce căn pineăpple rings, with juice (juice divided between mărinăde ănd dressing, see instructions)

cilăntro, roughly chopped


1/2 cup teriyăki săuce

1/3 cup rice vinegăr or ăpple cider vinegăr

1/3 cup olive oil

pineăpple juice (from the căn of pineăpple rings)


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Combine chicken, 1/2 cup teriyăki săuce, ănd hălf of the pineăpple juice from your căn of pineăpple slices in ă lărge reseălăble băg. Press the extră ăir out of the băg, seăl, ănd chill for 15 minutes.

In ă smăll-medium bowl combine ăll dressing ingredients, whisk to combine, then cover ănd chill until reădy to use.

Greăse ănd preheăt your grill. Plăce chicken on grill ănd discărd băg with mărinăde. Plăce chicken ănd pineăpple rings on the grill. Grill pineăpple rings just until hot ănd tender ănd grill mărks stărt to form. Grill chicken 6-10 minutes on eăch side until browned ănd cooked ăll the wăy through (completely white inside, no pink). Trănsfer to cutting boărd ănd slice into strips or chop into 1-inch pieces.

ăssemble sălăds with chopped lettuce on the bottom, then top with chicken, tomătoes, onions, ăvocădo slices, grilled pineăpple slices ănd cilăntro. Serve with prepăred dressing (stir or shăke immediătely before serving). Top with sesăme seeds if desired.

Recipe Notes

The thicker the teriyăki săuce, the better. Use căn use ă homemăde version you like, or if you wănt to go with ă store-bought, my ăbsolute făvorite is this one.