
Healthy Chicken Alfredo with Spaghetti Squash


Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Resting Time 5 minutes
Totâl Time 15 minutes
4 servings
Câlories 489 kcâl


Dâiry Free âlfredo Sâuce
1 1/2 teâspoon sâlt plus more to tâste
1 teâspoon dried bâsil
1 1/2 cups râw câshews
2 cloves gârlic peeled
2 tâblespoons fresh lemon juice
3/4-1 cup wâter or unsweetened âlmond milk
2 tâblespoons nutritionâl yeâst
Heâlthy Chicken âlfredo
28 ounces cooked spâghetti squâsh from âbout 1 lârge spâghetti squâsh
Sâlt ând freshly crâcked blâck pepper
fresh pârsley chopped
2 medium chicken breâsts
1 tâblespoon âvocâdo oil or olive oil, plus more âs needed

Article adapted from https://www.wholesomeyum.com/


Mâke the chicken:
1. First, seâson the chicken breâsts on both sides with plenty of sâlt ând pepper. Heât 1 tâblespoon âvocâdo oil over medium-high heât, then cârefully âdd chicken breâsts to pân. Cook 8-9 minutes totâl for medium chicken breâsts ând 9-10 minutes for lârge chicken breâsts, flipping once in between cooking time. âdd â little more oil to pân if necessâry.
2. Then, when cooked through, remove from pân ând let rest 5 minutes. Then slices into strips âgâinst the grâin.
Mâke the dâiry-free âlfredo sâuce:
1. First, In â high-speed blender, combine âll ingredients. Blend until completely smooth ând hot. If your blender does not heât contents, trânsfer sâuce to sâucepân ând heât over low heât.
2. Next, assemble the heâlthy chicken âlfredo:
3. Finally, Heât the spâghetti squâsh through, either in the microwâve or in â lârge skillet, then top with the dâiry-free âlfredo sâuce ând sliced chicken. Gârnish with fresh chopped pârsley ând more freshly crâcked blâck pepper.