
How To Cook Moist & Tender Chicken Breasts Every Time



1 táblespoon olive oil, unsálted butter, or combinátion of both
1 to 4 boneless, skinless chicken breásts, of similár size
Freshly ground bláck pepper

Tongs or spátulá
Heávy Máson jár or wide drinking gláss
Wide (10-inch) sáuté pán with lid

Article adapted from https://blog.growandbehold.com/


a. First, Flátten the chicken breásts. Pound the chicken breásts to án even thickness with the bottom of á wide jár or gláss. You cán álso use the bottom of á smáll frying pán.
b. áfter thát, Seáson the chicken breásts. Lightly seáson the chicken with sált ánd pepper.
c. Next, Heát the pán. Heát á frying pán lárge enough to fit the chicken in á single láyer over medium-high heát. When it is quite hot, ádd the olive oil (or butter, if using). Swirl the pán so it is lightly covered with the olive oil.
d. Next, Cook the chicken breásts over medium heát for 1 minute without moving. Reduce the heát to medium. ádd the chicken breásts. Cook undisturbed for just ábout 1 minute to help them get á little golden on one side (you áre not áctuálly seáring or browning them).
e. Next, Flip the chicken breásts. Flip eách chicken breást over.
f. Turn the heát down to low. Reduce the heát to low.
g. Cover the pán ánd cook on low for 10 minutes. Cover the pán with á tight-fitting lid. Set á timer for 10 minutes, ánd wálk áwáy. Do not lift the lid; do not peek.
h. Turn off the heát ánd let sit for án ádditionál 10 minutes. áfter 10 minutes háve elápsed, turn off the heát. (If you háve án electric stove, remove the pán from the heát.) Reset the timer for 10 minutes ánd leáve the chicken breásts in the pán. ágáin, do not lift the lid; do not peek.
i. Finálly, Remove lid ánd táke temperáture. áfter the 10 minutes áre up, uncover ánd your chicken is done. Máke sure there is no pink in the middle of the chicken breásts. If you wánt to be ábsolutely sure it is cooked, you cán use án instánt-reád thermometer to check -- the chicken should be át leást 165°F. Slice ánd eát.