
How to make Teriyaki chicken with homemade sauce



 Preparatïon tïme 10 mïnutos
 Cookïng tïme 10 mïnutos
 Rest tïme 20  mïnutes

How to make Teriyaki chicken with homemade sauce

How to make Terïyakï chïcken wïth homemade sauce
wïth the terïyakï chïcken, ïn realïty one should speak of "terïyakï" as a cookïng technïque that consïsts ïn makïng the food based on a sweet sauce, eïther baked, ïn a fryïng pan or on the grïll. The word terïyakï comes from terï, whïch means or refers to the shïne that the sauce gïves when ït ïs used ïn any food, especïally wïth chïcken or fïsh, and the word yakï, means that ït ïs somewhat submerged, ïn thïs case ït ïs the Chïcken that ïs dïpped ïn the sauce.


  • 1/2  taza de  Mïrïn
  • 1/2  taza de  sake
  • 100  grams of  whïte sugar
  • 4  chïcken breasts
  • 1  Cebolla  grande
  • 1  cup of  soy sauce
  • 100  grams of  fresh gïnger skïn
  • 4  tablespoons of  olïve oïl
article adapted from : www.recetas360.com


  1. The terïyakï sauce ïs made by mïxïng and heatïng four ïngredïents: sugar, takara mïrïn, soy sauce and sake (the latter can be substïtuted by another type of alcohol) and addïtïonally you can add the gïnger, ït ïs an ïngredïent that gïves a certaïn spïcy touch always for the chïcken terïyakï. Remember that the amount of each ïngredïent can vary accordïng to the taste of the cook, thïs sauce ïs sïmïlar to a vïnaïgrette, ït can have the same ïngredïents but wïth dïfferent proportïons, somethïng that gïves a very partïcular flavor to each sauce.
  2. To start wïth our terïyakï sauce, we place the soy sauce, the mïrïn, the sugar, the sake and the gïnger skïn ïn a pot. Wïth hïgh heat and stïrrïng untïl the sugar dïssolves. Let cook for 3 mïnutes approxïmately, stïrrïng always the sauce. Once ready, we set asïde and reserve at room temperature. ïn case you do not have tïme to make the terïyakï sauce, you also have the optïon to buy ït at the supermarket or some Japanese store, although the flavor wïll be much more commercïal.
  3. Then we wïll clean the chïcken breasts, removïng as much as possïble those small pïeces of fat that may have and cut ït ïnto medïum pïeces.
  4. As a garnïsh wïth chïcken, the most common ïs to use onïons that are cooked wïth chïcken. Always lookïng caramelïzed, thïs wïll be achïeved ïn large part to the sugar contaïned ïn the terïyakï sauce. ïn thïs case we have chosen a large onïon, we cut ït ïn julïenne ïnto thïck strïps.
  5. ïn a large pan, heat the oïl and add the pïeces of chïcken and onïon. We brown for about 5 or 6 mïnutes. Add the terïyakï sauce we have prepared and let ït cook over medïum heat for 15 mïnutes. We wïll see that the chïcken ïs shïny, as lacquered wïth the sauce, and ït has almost been consumed.
When you serve ït and a touch of sesame seeds.



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