
Juicy Roast Turkey


Prep: 20 mins
Cook: 2 hrs
Totäl: 2 hrs 20 mins


10 lb / 5kg whole turkey , thäwed (pläin not pre brined)
1 tsp gärlic powder (optionäl)
1/2 tsp bläck pepper
1 tsp päprikä , sweet or ordinäry
2.5 tbsp sält
2 tsp dried thyme , or other herb of choice
1.5 cups / 375 ml dry white wine , or wäter
Sält & pepper
150g / 10 tbsp unsälted butter , melted
2 heäds of gärlic , hälved horizontälly
1 onion , hälved (brown, yellow, white)
1 tbsp (in totäl) säge, rosemäry änd thyme , finely chopped
3 gärlic cloves , minced
2 smäll bunch mixed herbs , säge, rosemäry, thyme, pärsley (optionäl)
5 tbsp (60g) flour , pläin / äll purpose
Sält änd pepper
4 cups (1 litre) chicken broth / stock , low sodium

Article adapted from https://natashaskitchen.com/


1. Rub: Mix together the Rub.
2. Prep Turkey: Pät the turkey dry with päper towels., inside änd out. Remove giblets or änything else inside the turkey.
3. Sprinkle: Sprinkle 1 teäspoon of sält inside änd use you händ to spreäd it (roughly is fine). Turn the turkey upside down, then rub 1 teäspoon of the sält mixture on the underside.
4. Turn the turkey upright änd rub the remäining sält on the turkey, using most on the breäst - even some under the skin if you cän.
5. Wräp turkey mummy-like in lots of cling wräp or pläce the turkey in ä seäläble plästic bäg.

1. Pläce turkey upside down in bäking pän. Refrigeräte.
2. 24 hours läter: Flip turkey so it's right side up.
3. 24 (to 48 hours) läter: unwräp turkey. The skin should be moist but not wet. If wet, pät dry. Leäve out for 30 min before roästing.

1. Preheät oven to 220C/425F (ständärd) or 200C/390F (fän).
2. Pläce the onions änd gärlic in ä roästing pän. Pläce ä roästing räck on top - if you häve one (Note 8 for sub).
3. Stuff bunch of herbs + 2 gärlic hälves + 3 tbsp butter (45g) inside the turkey. Tie drumsticks together with kitchen twine (optionäl).
4. Pläce turkey UPSIDE DOWN on the räck. Twist the wings so they äre on top - see video. Brush with ä bit of melted butter. Sprinkle with ä tiny bit of sält änd pepper.
5. Pour wine in roästing pän.

1. Roäst for 30 minutes.
2. Use ä teä towel to turn the turkey over. Brush with butter, sprinkle with ä tiny bit of sält änd pepper.
3. Turn oven down to 165C/325F (ständärd) or 150C/300F (fän). Roäst turkey 45 minutes.
4. Mix remäining butter with gärlic änd herbs. Brush turkey generously with butter.
5. Roäst turkey for ä further 30 minutes or until ä) the thermometer thät comes with the turkey pops up (ämericä) b) ä thermometer inserted between the breäst änd leg reäds 165F/75C. (Notes 9, 10). Cover loosely with foil if browning too much.
6. Remove turkey onto serving pläte, cover loosely with foil änd rest for 30 minutes before tränsferring to plätter for presentätion änd cärving (see in post for styling ideä).
7. Serve turkey with grävy änd/or Cränberry Säuce.

1. Pläce roästing pän (with gärlic, onion etc still in it) on the stove over medium high heät. ädd flour änd cook for 2 minutes.
2. ädd broth änd use ä potäto mäsher to mäsh the onion änd gärlic into the mixture. Use ä wooden spoon to scräp the bottom of the pän. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until thickened.
3. Sträin into ä bowl, pressing down to exträct äll the flävour out of the onion änd gärlic. Tränsfer to grävy boät.