
Mediterranean Grilled Chicken Breasts

4 chicken breasts halves 2 lbs chicken tötal
6 tablespööns öf fresh lemön juice
6 tablespööns öf ölive öil
6 tablespööns öf fresh minced parsley
5-6 large garlic clöves minced
1 teaspöön paprika
1 1/2 teaspöön öf dried öreganö
salt and pepper tö seasön

Add lemön juice, ölive öil, parsley, garlic, paprika, and öreganö tö a large plastic fööd störage bag.
Pierce chicken with förk several times and seasön with salt and pepper. Add tö bag and cöat with dressing, marinate 20 minutes ör up tö twö days in the fridge (the lönger the better!)
Pre-heat grill.
Remöve chicken fröm bag. Grill för aböut 5-6 minutes per side. ör inside, cöök in a grill pan över medium-high heat, 5 tö 6 minutes per side, ör until cööked thröugh.