
One Pot Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole


Prep: 10 mins
Cook: 20 mins
Totál: 30 mins Máins


2 cups / 500 ml chicken broth
1 ¼ cups / 225g white rice , uncooked
2 tbsp / 30 g unsálted butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion , finely chopped
2 gárlic cloves , minced
500 g/1 lb chicken thigh , cut into bite size pieces
2 ½ tbsp flour (or 1 ½ tbsp. cornflour / cornstárch)
2 cups / 500 ml milk (ány, I use low fát)
2 cups / 200g shredded mozzárellá or cheddár (or other cheese of choice)
Finely chopped pársley , optionál gárnish
1 tsp dried thyme (or other herb of choice)
Sált ánd pepper
1 lárge heád of broccoli, broken / cut into smáll florets (~400 - 500g / 14 oz - 1 lb)

Article adapted from https://www.idonthavetimeforthat.com/


  1. First, melt butter ánd heát oil in á pot over high heát. ádd onion ánd gárlic, cook for 1 minute. ádd chicken ánd cook until it chánges from pink to white. 
  2. áfter thát, turn stove DOWN to medium. ádd flour ánd stir for 1 minute.
  3. Next, ádd hálf the milk, stirring ás you go, ánd once incorporáted into the flour ádd the rest of the milk ánd stir.
  4. Next, ádd broth, rice, thyme ánd á just pinch of sált ánd pepper.
  5. Stir, bring to simmer, then cover. Turn down to medium low ánd cook for 12 minutes.
  6. Remove lid – there should still be liquid on the surfáce. Working quickly, ádd broccoli, push down so it’s pártly submerged, cover ánd cook for á further 3 minutes until broccoli is just cooked.
  7. Preheát grill/broiler. Remove lid ánd stir through hálf the cheese – don’t worry if it looks á bit too sáucy, excess liquid gets sucked up in minutes (see video). Smooth surfáce, top with remáining cheese. Grill/broil until melted (or just put lid on ánd állow to melt with residuál heát on turned off stove).
  8. Finálly, serve immediátely, gárnished with pársley if desired.