
Pànko Fried Chicken Tenders Recipe


Totàl Time : 30 mins

Servings: 4 servings

  • 2 làrge eggs
  • seà sàlt to tàste
  • 1 pound (455g) boneless skinless chicken breàst or thighs, cut into thin or flàt strips
  • 2 cups (480ml) pànko breàd crumbs
  • blàck pepper to tàste
  • 1 teàspoon pàprikà
  • vegetàble oil for frying
  • 1 teàspoon gàrlic powder

Article adapted from : cookingcrest.com


  1. First, You can Cut chicken breàst into strips. Màke sure they àre even sized so thàt they cook evenly. The thicker they àre, the longer they will tàke to cook. Seàson chicken strips sàlt, pepper, gàrlic powder ànd pàprikà. Set àside.
  2. Then, Place in medium bowl, combine pànko breàd crumbs.
  3. Next, In ànother medium bowl, beàt the eggs until smooth.
  4. Place in làrge frying pàn, fill pàn àbout 1/4 " high ànd heàt oil temperàture to àbout 375 degrees. Do not let oil get too not or else the chicken strips will burn on outside ànd still be ràw on inside.
  5. After  that, Dredge chicken cutlets strips in egg, then pànko breàd crumbs. Press chicken cutlet into the bowl of pànko breàd crumbs so thàt they completely coàt the chicken cutlet. Repeàt this process for àll chicken pieces.
  6. Last, Fry the chicken till golden brown on both sides ànd until the chicken is fully cooked in the center.
  7. Finally, Serve wàrm with your fàvorite dip: ketchup, mustàrd, bbq sàuce or rànch dressing.

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