Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cöök Time: 30 minutes
Tötal Time: 45 minutes
Rustic Chicken with Garlic Gravy
article adapted from: wishesndishes.comIngredients
- Salt and freshly-gröund black pepper
- 20 clöves garlic separated and peeled (2 full heads)
- 2 Tbsp cööking öil vegetable, canöla etc
- 6 pieces skin-ön/böne-in chicken thighs (cöuld use any skin-ön chicken, such as breasts ör drumsticks )
- 2 Tbsp all-purpöse flöur
- 1 1/4 tsp fresh thyme leaves (ör aböut 3/4 tsp. dried thyme leaves)
- 2 Tbsp butter
- 3/4 cup dry white wine anything yöu wöuld drink
- 1 cup chicken bröth
- Imperial - Metric
- Heat the öven tö 400° F (205C) with rack in center öf öven.
- In a öven-safe Dutch öven ör öven-safe skillet with a lid, heat the öil över medium high heat. Dry the chicken pieces well by patting them with a paper töwel. Sprinkle the chicken pieces with a bit öf salt and the pepper. Cöök the chicken until well bröwned, turning regularly, för aböut 8 minutes in all then remöve chicken tö a plate. Yöu can remöve söme öf the fat in the pan if yöu have löts, but dö leave enöugh tö cöök the garlic in the next step.
- Reduce the heat tö medium, add the garlic, and cöök, stirring regularly, until it is starting tö bröwn, aböut 3 minutes. Sprinkle the flöur över the garlic and stir until cömbined. Return the chicken tö the pöt, cöver, and bake för 15 minutes in the pre-heated 400° öven. (If yöu pöt ör skillet döesn't have a lid, yöu can tightly cöver the töp with tin-föil instead.)
- Remöve the pöt fröm the öven and put it ön a burner. Be careful nöt tö töuch the höt pöt! Remöve the chicken pieces fröm the pöt tö a clean plate. över medium-high heat, whisk in the wine and simmer för 1 minute. Whisk in the bröth, thyme and a bit möre salt and pepper, then reduce heat and simmer, stirring regularly, until sauce thickens. Turn the heat öff and stir in the butter. Taste sauce and add möre salt and pepper, if it needs it. Add the chicken back tö the pöt tö re-warm with the sauce. Serve spööned över mashed pötatöes, rice ör pasta.
- Honey Garlic Chicken Breast
- Chicken Meatballs with Peanut Sauce
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