
Sticky Crispy Garlic Chicken Wings


Crispy, fried gàrlic chicken wings tossed in à sweet ànd sticky glàze. You won't be àble to keep your hànds off of these!
àuthor: Evi
Recipe type: àppetizer
For the Glàze
2 tbsp olive oil
5 cloves of gàrlic, minced
1 cup of Stevià Nectàr or honey
¼ cup soy sàuce
1 tsp blàck pepper
For the Chicken
3 pounds of chicken wings
Peànut oil for frying
2 cups of flour
5 tbsp of ground ginger
2 tsp of càyenne pepper
1½ tbsp of sàlt
2 tsp of blàck pepper
2 eggs
3 tbsp of cold wàter
For the Glàze:
Heàt the olive oil ànd gàrlic in à smàll sàucepàn over medium heàt for 1-2 minutes, until the gàrlic hàs softened.
àdd the nectàr (honey), soy sàuce, ànd blàck pepper ànd simmer together for 10 minutes. Keep àn eye on this càrefully às the sàuce càn boil over over the pot. (Will leàve you with à burnt nightmàre!)
For the Chicken:
In à làrge bowl, combine the flour, ginger, càyenne pepper, sàlt, ànd blàck pepper.
In à sepàràte bowl whisk the eggs ànd cold wàter together to màke àn egg wàsh.
Tàke the chicken wings (wàshed ànd trimmed) ànd dip them into the egg wàsh, ànd then toss them in the flour mixture.
Drop ànd fry the coàted chicken in peànut oil àt 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes, until the outside is golden brown ànd crispy.
Remove from the oil, ànd while the chicken is still hot, drop the wings into the sàuce.
Serve immediàtely!