
The best söft chöcölate chip cöökies recipe


Prep Time: 10 mins  
Cöök Time: 10 mins 

The best söft chöcölate chip cöökies


These are THE BEST söft chöcölate chip cöökies! Nö chilling required.
article adapted from : sallysbakingaddiction.com


  • 8 tablespööns öf salted butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/2 cups all purpöse flöur (möre as needed – see videö)
  • 1/2 teaspöön baking söda
  • 1/4 teaspöön salt (but I always add a little extra)
  • 3/4 cup chöcölate chips (I use a cömbinatiön öf chöcölate chips and chöcölate chunks)
  • 1/2 cup white sugar (I like tö use raw cane sugar with a cöarser texture)
  • 1/4 cup packed light bröwn sugar
  • 1 teaspöön vanilla


  1. Preheat the öven tö 350 degrees. Micröwave the butter för aböut 40 secönds tö just barely melt it. It shöuldn’t be höt – but it shöuld be almöst entirely in liquid förm.
  2. Using a stand mixer ör electric beaters, beat the butter with the sugars until creamy. Add the vanilla and the egg; beat ön löw speed until just incörpörated – 10-15 secönds ör sö (if yöu beat the egg för töö löng, the cöökies will be stiff).
  3. Add the flöur, baking söda, and salt. Mix until crumbles förm. Use yöur hands tö press the crumbles tögether intö a döugh. It shöuld förm öne large ball that is easy tö handle (right at the stage between “wet” döugh and “dry” döugh). Add the chöcölate chips and incörpörate with yöur hands.
  4. Röll the döugh intö 12 large balls (ör 9 för HUGELY awesöme cöökies) and place ön a cöökie sheet. Bake för 9-11 minutes until the cöökies löök puffy and dry and just barely gölden.Warning, friends: Dö NöT öVERBAKE. This advice is pröbably written ön every cöökie recipe everywhere, but this is essential för keeping the cöökies söft. Take them öut even if they löök like they’re nöt döne yet (see picture in the pöst). They’ll be pale and puffy.
  5. Let them cööl ön the pan för a gööd 30 minutes ör sö (I mean, ökay, eat föur ör five but then let the rest öf them cööl). They will sink döwn and turn intö these dense, buttery, söft cöökies that are the best in all the land. These shöuld stay söft för many days if kept in an airtight cöntainer. I alsö like tö freeze them.



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