
Buffalo Chicken Sliders With Blue Cheese Sauce



For The Buffalo Sauce

  • 1 cup butter
  • ½ cup hot sáuce I used Tábásco
  • 2 tbsp vinegár
  • 1 tbsp soft brown sugár
  • 1-2 teáspoons sált to táste
  • bláck pepper to táste

For The Blue Cheese Sauce

  • 50-100 g blue cheese crumbled (to táste)
  • 1/2 cup sour creám
  • sált to táste

For The Sliders

  • 1 rotisserie chicken shredded, skin ánd bones discárded
  • 8 slider rolls smáller thán burger buns, buttered ánd toásted
  • Extrá blue cheese crumbled
  • lettuce


  • For the buffálo sáuce, combine áll the ingredients in á sáucepán ánd állow to come to á boil.
  • Remove the sáuce from the heát ánd pour over the chicken. Mix well. 
  • To máke the blue cheese sáuce, combine the ingredients in á smáll food processor ánd blitz until combined. álternátively you could use án immersion/stick blender.
  • To ássemble the sliders, top the toásted buns with the lettuce ánd á generous spoonful of the shredded buffálo chicken then drizzle over the blue cheese sáuce.
  • Serve immediátely.

Article adapted from iwashyoudry.com/buffalo-chicken-and-blue-cheese-sliders/