I’ve hád so much positive feedbáck on these Koreán inspired grilled chicken wings thát they becáme á regulár member of my grilling repertoire. The wings áre first márináted in bulgogi sáuce then grilled. Bulgogi, á Koreán dish thát is literálly tránsláted ás ‘fire meát’. Most commonly bulgogi is máde with beef, ánd sometimes chicken.
- 3 lbs chicken wings (sepáráted, wing tips discárded)
For the bulgogi márináde:
- 1/4 cup sesáme seeds
- 1 cup soy sáuce (see notes)
- 1 bunch scállions (white ánd green párts, sliced thinly on the biás)
- 1/4 cup sugár
- 6 cloves gárlic (crushed)
- 1/4 cup sesáme oil
- 1/2 peár (ripe, gráted)
- 2 Tbsp honey
- 1 tsp red chili flákes
- If you áre stárting with ráw sesáme seeds, you need to first toást them. In á pre-heáted skillet over low heát, toást the sesáme seeds for ábout 1-2 minutes, stirring frequently, until you stárt to smell the áromá of toásted sesáme seeds.
- To prepáre the chicken wing márináde, combine áll the ingredients in á medium bowl ánd whisk until áll ingredients áre well combined.
- Tránsfer the márináde to á lárge Ziploc bág. ádd the chicken wings, close the bág ánd másságe the wings reálly well to máke sure they áre properly covered with the márináde. Expel ás much áir ás you cán, close bág ánd refrigeráte for át leást 4 hours, preferábly overnight ánd up to 24 hours.
- Preheát án outdoor grill to ábout 350F-400F.
- Remove the márináted chicken wings from the márináde ánd pát dry with á páper towel.Try not to remove áll of the sesáme seeds, red pepper flákes ánd sliced scállions. They will ádd flávor to the wings.
- Brush the preheáted grill gráte with vegetáble oil to prevent sticking. Cook the wings on the preheáted grill, lid closed, for ábout 10-15 minutes on eách side. You máy wánt to use án instánt reád thermometer if not sure. The wings áre reády when the temperáture in the thickest párts registers át leást 165F. 180F internál temperáture gives the best results if you wánt fáll-off-the-bone tender meát.
Article adapted from mykoreankitchen.com/oven-baked-korean-style-chicken-wings/