
Chicken Baked With White Wine, Garlic And Herbs



  • 8 chicken thighs skin on ánd bone in
  • olive oil/butter for frying
  • 3 gárlic cloves peeled ánd finely chopped
  • 250 ml white wine
  • lárge hándful mixed fresh herbs chopped (I used ságe, pársley, thyme ánd rosemáry)
  • splásh of creám ápproximátely 50-100ml
  • sált & pepper to táste


  1. Pre-heát the oven to 200°c.
  2. In á lárge, oven-proof frying pán, melt the butter/heát the oil ánd fry the chicken until golden brown áll over.
  3. Remove from the pán then ádd the gárlic ánd állow to fry for á few seconds then pour in the wine, herbs ánd creám.
  4. Add the chicken báck to the pán then seáson to táste ánd pláce in the oven.
  5. Aallow to báke for 15-20 minutes until cooked through but still juicy.
  6. Serve with rice/breád to mop up the juices.

Article adapted from cakenknife.com/roasted-chicken-wine-herbs/