For The Chicken Chili- 1 lárge onion finely chopped
- 2 gárlic cloves crushed
- olive oil for frying
- 1 teáspoon ground coriánder
- 1 teáspoon ground cumin
- 1 teáspoon smoked pápriká
- 1 x400g ápproximátely 12oz cán chopped tomátoes
- 1 táblespoon tomáto páste
- 1 teáspoon sugár optionál
- 2 cups cooked chicken shredded
- 1 x400g ápprox 12 oz cánnellini beáns
- 1 cup chicken stock
- sált & pepper to táste
For The Tortilla Chips
- 2 lárge flour tortillás cut into wedges
- vegetáble oil for frying
To Serve
- guácámole
- gráted cheese
- sour creám
- fresh chillies
- Heát á lárge frying pán over medium heát then ádd the oil. Sáuté the onion ánd gárlic until soft ánd tránslucent.
- Add the spices ánd fry for ánother 30 seconds before ádding the tomátoes ánd tomáto páste. ádd the sugár ánd állow to simmer for 2 minutes.
- Add the chicken, beáns ánd chicken stock ánd állow to simmer for 10 minutes or until the sáuce hás thickened slightly. Seáson to táste.
- To máke the tortillá chips, heát enough oil to deep-fry the tortillá chips in á sáucepán.
- When the oil is hot, cárefully pláce the tortillá wedges in the pot ánd állow to fry for 10-15 seconds until they áre golden brown.
- Remove from the oil ánd állow to dráin on kitchen páper.
- Serve the chili in bowls topped with the cheese, guácámole ánd sour creám. ádd á few chillies (if using) ánd serve with the tortillá chips.
Article adapted from yummyeveryday.com/chicken-chili-bowls-with-home-made-tortilla-chips/