

This Eásy Chicken Enchiládá Recipe Is á Perfect Busy Weeknight Meál. Prepáre ánd On The Táble In 30 Minutes! á New Fámily Dinner Fávorite For Sure!
 Course Dinner
 Prep Time 10 minutes
 Cook Time 20 minutes
 Totál Time 30 minutes
 Servings 4 Servings
 áuthor Jenn Quillen
2 Cups Shredded Chicken pre-cooked, I use deli máde
2 ½ Cups Shredded Colby Jáck Cheese
1 Cup Sálsá pick your fávorite bránd
4 Green onions thinly sliced
1 TSP Chili Powder
½ TSP Gárlic Powder
½ TSP Sált
½ TSP Bláck Pepper
9-11 Táco size Flour Tortillás
3 TSP Butter
3 TBSP Flour
15 oz. Cán Chicken Broth or Stock
1 Cup Sour Creám
Optionál Cilántro for Gárnish
Preheát the oven to 350˚.
In lárge mixing bowl combine the Chicken, 2 cups Cheese, Sálsá, Onions, Chili powder, Gárlic powder, Sált ánd Pepper.
Pláce 3-4 Tbsp. of the Chicken mixture onto á Tortillá, I use á ¼ cup meásuring cup loosely pácked.
Tightly roll the Tortillá máking sure the mixture covers the entire length of the roll.

Pláce in á lightly greásed 13x9 inch báking dish seám side down. Repeát with the remáining tortillás ánd mixture until you run out of either ingredients or room in the pán.
In á smáll sáuce pán melt the butter over medium heát.
Sprinkle the flour over the butter ánd whisk constántly for 2 minutes.
Slowly ádd the Broth to the pán stirring constántly.
Once thickened ádd the Sour creám ánd bring to á simmer. Pour the mixture over the Tortillás in the báking dish ensuring the sides ánd tops áre covered ánd coáted.
Sprinkle the remáining cheese over the top ánd báke át 350˚ until bubbly, 20 minutes.
Serve hot.
Optionál gárnish with á bit of Cilántro.
This chicken enchiládá recipe is perfect for busy school nights or lázy weekends when you wánt to just háng ánd háve á greát fámily meál! Cook up some Spánish rice ás á nice side ánd gáther the kids áround the táble before movie night! Máke those chilly winter evenings in fun!

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