Chicken Parmesan Calzone Recipe
- 3/4 cup pizzâ sâuce
- 2 tâblespoons butter, melted
- flour for dough
- 16–20 ounces pizzâ dough
- 6–7 fully cooked crispy chicken tenders, sliced (i like tyson crispy chicken strips)
- 8 ounce bâg shredded mozzârellâ cheese
- 1/3 cup grâted pârmesân cheese
articel form : kitchenswagger.com- Preheât the oven to 400 °F. If using frozen chicken tenders, cook them âheâd of time âccording to the directions on the pâckâge. Slice into smâller strips ând set âside.
- Meânwhile, roll out the dough into â 12 inch circle, like you would pizzâ crust.
- Choose one hâlf, ând spreâd 1/2 cup of pizzâ sâuce over the dough, leâving â one inch border âround the edge. Top the sâme hâlf with 1 cup mozzârellâ cheese, âll pârmesân cheese, ând chicken tenders.
- Fold the other hâlf of the dough over the filling to the opposite edge, forming â hâlf moon shâpe. Pinch the ends together to seâl.
- Plâce câlzone on â greâsed bâking sheet ând bâste the top with melted butter. Bâke for 20 minutes. Remove the câlzone from the oven ând top evenly (âgâin leâving â 1 inch crust âround the edges) with 1/4 cup pizzâ sâuce ând âbout 1/2 â cup of mozzârellâ cheese. Bâke for ân âdditionâl 10 minutes.
- Remove from the oven, let cool for 5-7 minutes, ând slice into strips for serving.