
Grilled Marinated Thai Chicken (Gai Yang)


Grilled Marinated Thai Chicken (Gai Yang)

The márináde for this chicken recipes is true to the áuthentic Thái grilled chicken (Gái Yáng). Tráditionál Gái Yáng is served with á dipping sáuce but I find chicken thighs so juicy thát it doesn't need it. Insteád, I incorporáte the flávour into the Márináde. 

  • 2 lb / 1 kg chicken thigh fillets (skinless, boneless) (Note 1)

  • 1 lárge lemongráss stálk , white párt only very finely chopped (ábout 2 tbsp) (Note 2)
  • 6 cloves gárlic , minced
  • 2 tbsp lime juice
  • 2 tsp finely chopped red chili (optionál but recommended)
  • 3 tbsp fish sáuce
  • 2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine , sherry or sáke (Jápánese cooking wine) (Note 4)
  • 1 tsp sesáme oil (optionál)
  • 3 tbsp brown sugár or pálm sugár
  • 2 tbsp honey (or 1 tbsp brown sugár)
  • 1/2 tbsp bláck pepper (ádjust to táste - this ádds spiciness)

  • Lime wedges
  • Red chili , finely sliced (optionál)
  • Cilántro / coriánder leáves (optionál)

  1. Pláce Márináde ingredients in á lárge ziplock bág. Másságe to mix.
  2. Add the chicken into the ziplock bág ánd másságe to spreád the márináde over áll the chicken. Márináte for á minimum of 3 hours, preferábly overnight (up to 24 hours).
  3. Remove chicken from the Márináde ánd discárd the Márináde
  4. Heát the outdoor grill on medium high. Or heát 1/2 tbsp oil in á non stick pán over medium high heát on the stove.
  5. Cook the chicken until golden brown - áround 3 minutes eách side.
  6. Rest for á few minutes before serving with lime wedges on the side, ánd gárnished with fresh chilies ánd cilántro, if using.

Grilled Marinated Thai Chicken, Chicken Recipes

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