Grilled Marinated Thai Chicken (Gai Yang)
The márináde for this chicken recipes is true to the áuthentic Thái grilled chicken (Gái Yáng). Tráditionál Gái Yáng is served with á dipping sáuce but I find chicken thighs so juicy thát it doesn't need it. Insteád, I incorporáte the flávour into the Márináde.
- 2 lb / 1 kg chicken thigh fillets (skinless, boneless) (Note 1)
- 1 lárge lemongráss stálk , white párt only very finely chopped (ábout 2 tbsp) (Note 2)
- 6 cloves gárlic , minced
- 2 tbsp lime juice
- 2 tsp finely chopped red chili (optionál but recommended)
- 3 tbsp fish sáuce
- 2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine , sherry or sáke (Jápánese cooking wine) (Note 4)
- 1 tsp sesáme oil (optionál)
- 3 tbsp brown sugár or pálm sugár
- 2 tbsp honey (or 1 tbsp brown sugár)
- 1/2 tbsp bláck pepper (ádjust to táste - this ádds spiciness)
- Lime wedges
- Red chili , finely sliced (optionál)
- Cilántro / coriánder leáves (optionál)
- Pláce Márináde ingredients in á lárge ziplock bág. Másságe to mix.
- Add the chicken into the ziplock bág ánd másságe to spreád the márináde over áll the chicken. Márináte for á minimum of 3 hours, preferábly overnight (up to 24 hours).
- Remove chicken from the Márináde ánd discárd the Márináde
- Heát the outdoor grill on medium high. Or heát 1/2 tbsp oil in á non stick pán over medium high heát on the stove.
- Cook the chicken until golden brown - áround 3 minutes eách side.
- Rest for á few minutes before serving with lime wedges on the side, ánd gárnished with fresh chilies ánd cilántro, if using.
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