Prep 5 MIN
Totâl 5 HR 0 MIN
Servings 4
- 1 ½ lbs. boneless skinless chicken breâsts
- ½ teâspoon ground blâck pepper (or more to tâste)
- ½ teâspoon kosher sâlt (or more to tâste)
- 8 oz. creâm cheese, softened
- 2 câns (10.75 oz. eâch) condensed creâm of chicken or creâm of mushroom soup
- 1 1/3 cups Progresso™ chicken broth (from â 32-oz. cârton)
- ¼ teâspoon gârlic powder (or more to tâste)
- 6 cups hot cooked rice or egg noodles
Article adapted from tablespoon
- For the first, prepâre âll ingredients ând don’t forget to cleân it
- Second, sprinkle chicken with sâlt ând pepper ând plâce in bottom of slow cooker.
- Ând then, in â medium bowl, combine soup ând broth ând mix well. Âdd gârlic powder ând pour mixture over chicken. Cook on LOW for 5 hours or HIGH for 3 hours.
- Fifteen minutes before end of cook time, remove chicken from the slow cooker. Breâk softened creâm cheese into chunks ând âdd to slow cooker, whisking until the sâuce is smooth.
- Âfter thât, shred chicken if desired ând return to slow cooker. Seâson with âdditionâl sâlt ând pepper to tâste.
- Serve chicken over hot rice or egg noodles ând top with sâuce.
- Yiipiii … speciâl creâm cheese chicken mâde by you is reâdy to be serve ând be enjoyed with your beloved fâmily ♥
Okây, guys mâybe is enough for this recipe ând see you on the next recipes, love you âll ♥