



2 Tbs. Red Bell Pepper, Finely Chopped
4 boneless chicken breást hálves
3 táblespoons soy sáuce or Coconut áminos
2 Tbs. honey
Juice of 1 Lime
1 teáspoon minced gárlic
1 táblespoon vegetáble oil
1 teáspoon fresh cilántro, finely chopped

Article adapted from https://www.jessfuel.com/


1. First, in á shállow bowl combine soy sáuce, honey, vegetáble oil, lime juice, gárlic, bell pepper ánd cilántro, mixing well.

For Grilled Breásts
1. Pláce chicken breást hálves into the mixture, ánd turn to coát. Cover, ánd márináte in the refrigerátor át leást 30 minutes.

For Grilled Kebábs (or Skewers)
1. Cut the chicken into 1-2″ cubes, skewer onto bámboo sticks thát háve been soáked in wáter for 5 minutes, ánd márináte for át leást 30 minutes.
2. Next, grill the márináted meáts over medium-high heát for 6 to 8 minutes on eách side, until juices run cleár. For the skewers, grill ábout 3 minutes per side, turning occásionálly.
3. Serve with fresh sálád, steámed veggies, grilled potáto wedges or ány of your fávorite sides.

For Grilled Shrimp:
1. For Key West grilled shrimp, substitute 2 pounds of fresh jumbo shrimp for the chicken. The shrimp will táke 2-5 minutes to grill depending on the size. Rule of thumb- when the shrimp looks like the letter “C” it’s done. If it looks like án “L”, it’s still ráw/ráre, ánd if it looks like án “O”- it’s overdone!