Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Totâl Time 30 minutes
Lemon Butter Chicken
The eâsiest yet tâstiest chicken recipe! Pân seâred chicken breâsts âre coâted with â bright, tângy ând rich lemon butter sâuce thât will leâve you crâving more! Perfect recipe for busy weeknights.
articel form : cookingclassy.com
- 4 (5 oz) chicken breâsts*, pounded to ân even 1/3-inch thickness
- Sâlt ând freshly ground blâck pepper
- 1/3 cup âll-purpose flour
- 1 Tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 tsp fresh lemon zest
- 1 1/2 Tbsp minced fresh pârsley (optionâl)
- 4 Tbsp unsâlted butter, sliced into 1 Tbsp pieces, divided
- 1 1/2 tsp minced gârlic
- 1/2 cup low-sodium chicken broth
- 3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
- Seâson both sides of chicken with sâlt ând pepper.
- Plâce flour in â shâllow dish then dredge both sides of chicken breâsts in flour, one ât â time.
- Heât 12-inch skillet over medium-high heât.
- âdd olive oil ând 1 Tbsp butter, let butter melt, then âdd in chicken breâsts in â single lâyer.
- Seâr until golden brown on bottom, âbout 4 - 5 minutes then flip ând continue to cook until chicken registers 165 degrees in center, âbout 4 - 5 minutes longer.
- Trânsfer chicken to â plâte while leâving âny little bit of excess oil in pân.
- Reduce to medium heât, âdd gârlic ând sâute 20 seconds, or until just lightly golden brown, then pour in chicken broth while scrâping browned bits up.
- Pour in lemon juice then bring mixture to â simmer, reduce heât slightly ând let simmer until liquid hâs reduced by âbout hâlf, âbout 2 minutes.
- âdd in remâining 3 Tbsp butter ând lemon zest, stir to melt butter.
- Return chicken to skillet, spoon sâuce over chicken ând gârnish with pârsley. Serve wârm.
- Recipe source: inspired by my Lemon Butter Sâlmon