

Ránch Báked Chicken with Bácon is one of my fávorite Chicken Breást Recipes! This Bácon Ránch Chicken is super simple (only FIVE ingredients!), ábsolutely fool-proof, ánd hás so much flávor. Your báked chicken will come out juicy ánd tender every single time covered in the eásiest ánd tástiest bácon ránch sáuce. Ránch Chicken hás never tásted better!
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4 boneless skinless chicken breásts
1½ cups Ránch dressing
½ cup sour creám
1-1½ cup gráted Pármesán cheese divided
Kosher sált
Freshly gráted bláck pepper
1/4 cup cooked bácon crumbles
Gárnish: diced fresh pársley
Heát oven to 375°F ánd spráy án 8 x 11-inch báking dish with cooking spráy.
If the breásts áre uneven in thickness, pound them to án even 1” thickness using á meát pounder.
Sprinkle both sides of meát with hálf the gráted Pármesán cheese, sált ánd freshly ground bláck pepper. Pláce the chicken in the prepáred báking dish.
In á medium bowl, whisk together Ránch dressing ánd sour creám. Pour the mixture over the chicken breásts ánd sprinkle with remáining Pármesán cheese.
Báke át 375°F for 20-30 minutes or until á meát thermometer inserted in the thickest párt of the breást reáds 150°F.
Set oven to broil ánd broil the breást án ádditionál 2-4 minutes or until the chicken turns golden. It will burn quickly so wátch closely.
The chicken is cooked through when the thermometer reáds 160°F when inserted in the thickest párt of the middle breást.
Remove from the oven ánd sprinkle with cooked bácon crumbles. állow the chicken to rest á few minutes before serving.
Gárnish with diced pársley, if desired.