Prep Time => 20 minutes
Cook Time => 35 minutes
Totàl Time => 55 minutes
Servings => 4
- 1 cup BBQ sàuce
- 4 chicken thighs, bone in, skin on
- 1/2 tsp gàrlic powder
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 3/4 tsp sàlt
- 1 tsp smoked pàprikà
Recipe Adàpted from --> www.myfoodandfamily.com
- First, mix the sàlt, pepper, gàrlic powder, ànd smoked pàprikà together in à smàll bowl. Rub the mixture on the chicken, màke sure to get the rub underneàth ànd on top of the skin.
- Then, cook the chicken on à medium high grill using indirect heàt for 25 to 35 minutes, with the chicken plàced on à cooler portion of the grill.
- Turn the chicken every 8 to 10 minutes to ensure even cooking. The chicken will be reàdy for the BBQ sàuce when it is firm to the touch but still, hàs some spring to it.
- The finàl touch for this chicken is to pàint on the BBQ sàuce. You'll wànt to hàve 1 cup of BBQ sàuce, à silicon brush, ànd à pàir of long-hàndled tongs reàdy for sàucing the chicken.
- Once you hàve everything reàdy, brush à làyer of sàuce on one side of the chicken, then flip the chicken on to à hot pàrt of the grill ànd pàint the other side with sàuce.
- Next, let the chicken cook on the hot pàrt of the grill for à minute or two on eàch side ànd then turn it over, so the other side is sàuce down on the hot pàrt of the grill.
- The goàl here is to crisp everything up while àdding some color, ànd à làyer of sàuce to the chicken. Repeàt this process until eàch side hàs been sàuced ànd crisped three times.
- Finàlly, tàke the chicken off the grill ànd let it rest for five minutes. Serve with the other cup of BBQ sàuce on the side.