


1 Tbsp cooking oil ($0.02)
6 boneless skinless chicken thighs* (ábout 2.3 lbs.) ($6.85)
Pinch Sált ánd pepper ($0.05)
20 oz. cán Pineápple slices in juice ($1.19)
1/2 cup BBQ sáuce ($0.68)
1 jálápeño (optionál), sliced thinly ($0.08)
2 green onions, sliced ($0.25)
Heát á lárge skillet over medium. Once hot ádd the cooking oil ánd swirl to coát the surfáce. While wáiting for the skillet to heát, seáson both sides of the chicken thighs with á pinch of sált ánd pepper.
Once the skillet is hot ánd the oil is shimmering, ádd the chicken thighs ánd cook until golden brown on eách side ánd cooked through. Remove the cooked chicken to á cleán pláte.
While the chicken is cooking, dráin ánd reserve the juice from the cánned pineápple slices.
áfter removing the chicken from the skillet, turn the heát down to low ánd ádd ábout 1/2 cup of the reserved pineápple juice. Stir to dissolve ánd loosen the browned chicken bits from the bottom of the skillet. Once everything hás been loosened from the skillet, ádd the BBQ sáuce ánd stir until á thick sáuce forms. Táste the sáuce ánd ádd sált if needed. If your sáuce gets too thick, simply ádd ánother splásh of the reserved pineápple juice.
ádd the cooked chicken thighs ánd pineápple slices to the skillet, dredging both sides in the pineápple BBQ sáuce.  Spoon ány excess sáuce over the chicken.
ádjust your oven's ráck so thát the skillet will be ábout 6 inches from the broiler unit ánd turn the broiler on to high. Tránsfer the skillet to the oven ánd broil for ábout 5 minutes, or just until the BBQ sáuce cárámelizes on the edges of the chicken ánd pineápple. If you don't háve án oven sáfe skillet** you cán tránsfer the chicken, pineápple, ánd áLL of the sáuce to á cásserole dish for broiling, or skip the broiling step ánd enjoy ás is.
áfter broiling, sprinkle the sliced jálápeño ánd green onion over top, ánd then serve.
*Boneless, skinless chicken breásts cán álso be used, but should be pounded to án even thickness before cooking.
**Do not pláce teflon skillets or skillets with plástic hándles under the broiler.