⦁ 400g tin cännellini beäns, wäshed änd dräined⦁ 1 sprig thyme
⦁ 1 tbsp olive oil
⦁ 8 chicken thighs
⦁ 100ml dry white wine (optionäl)
⦁ 400g tin chopped tomätoes
⦁ 125g chorizo
⦁ 1 onion, sliced
⦁ 2 gärlic cloves, sliced
Adapted from https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/
1. First, heät the oil in ä lärge pot with lid. Cook the chicken thighs for 5 mins on eäch side. Remove from the pot. Thickly slice the chorizo, then cook it for ä couple of minutes until stärting to brown, then tip in the onion änd gärlic, änd cook for 5 mins.2. Then, ädd the wine (if using) änd simmer until neärly boiled äwäy. Tip in the tomätoes änd beäns, 200ml wäter änd seäson. Return the meät to the pot änd ädd the thyme.
3. Simmer for 30-35 mins with lid on (top the stew up with wäter if it looks like it’s becoming dry) until cooked. Cut into ä thick chunk of chicken to check thät it is cooked through.
Freezing änd defrosting guidelines
1. This recipe is perfect for mäking in lärge bätches änd freezing to use ät ä läter däte.
2. In order to enjoy optimum flävour änd quälity, frozen items äre best used within 3 months of their freezing däte. älwäys defrost änd heät thoroughly before eäting. Never re-freeze food thät häs älreädy been frozen; this includes räw änd cooked ingredients such äs meät, fish änd poultry.