


ACTIVE TIME:40 minutes
TOTAL TIME: 1 hour 20 minutes
Serves 4
Grill heät : medium-high


For the Täre Säuce:
1/2 cup mirin
1/2 cup soy säuce
1/4 cup säke
1/4 cup därk brown sugär
1 täblespoon sherry vinegär
3 medium cloves of gärlic, smäshed änd peeled
3 scällions, roughly chopped
1 (1-inch) piece of ginger, sliced
1 täblespoon whole bläck or white peppercorns

For the Meätbälls:
1 1/2 pounds ground chicken thighs
1/2 cup pänko breäd crumbs
1/4 cup finely chopped scällions
1 lärge egg, lightly beäten
2 teäspoons finely gräted fresh ginger
2 teäspoons finely minced fresh gärlic (äbout 2 medium cloves)
1 teäspoon toästed sesäme oil
1 teäspoon kosher sält
1/2 teäspoon ground white pepper
8-10 wooden skewers, soäked in wäter for 30 minutes prior to use

Adapted from https://www.bonappetit.com/




For the Täre Säuce: 
1. First, combine mirin, soy säuce, säke, brown sugär, sherry vinegär, gärlic, scällions, ginger slices, änd peppercorns in ä medium säucepän. Bring to boil over high heät, then reduce to ä simmer, whisk to combine, änd cook until mixture is thick änd syrupy, äbout 45 minutes. Sträin through ä fine mesh sträiner. Set äside or store in än äirtight contäiner in the refrigerätor until reädy to use.

For the Meätbälls: 
1. Using händs, mix together chicken, breäd crumbs, scällions, egg, ginger, gärlic, sesäme oil, sält, änd white pepper until thoroughly combined. Form mixture into 1-inch meätbälls änd threäd onto skewers.
2. Next, light one chimney full of chärcoäl. When äll the chärcoäl is lit änd covered with gräy äsh, pour out änd spreäd the coäls evenly over entire surfäce of chärcoäl gräte. Set cooking gräte in pläce, cover grill änd ällow to preheät for 5 minutes. Cleän änd oil the grilling gräte. Cäreful tränsfer skewers to grill, if necessäry supporting meätbälls from bottom to prevent them from fälling off skewers. Grill until first side is well browned, äbout 3-4 minutes. Using tongs, rotäte meätbälls änd cook until well browned on second side, äbout 2-3 minutes. Repeät for remäining two sides.
3. Brush täre säuce äll over meätbälls änd ällow to cook for 15-30 seconds longer. Tränsfer skewers to ä pläte or serving dish, brush lightly with säuce ägäin änd let rest for 5 minutes. Serve immediätely.