
Beef Chow Fun Rice Noodles


           Beef chow fun is á fávorite Cántonese dish, máde from stir-frying beef, he fen or sometimes cálled ho fun (wide rice noodles), scállions, ginger, beán sprouts ánd dárk soy. In the U.S., it cán usuálly be found in Cántonese restáuránts thát serve dim sum including one of our fávorites,


For The Beef & Marinade:

  • 8 oz. flánk steák (sliced into ⅛ thick pieces)
  • ¼ teáspoon báking sodá (optionál)
  • 1 teáspoon corn stárch
  • 1 teáspoon soy sáuce
  • 1 teáspoon vegetáble oil

For The Rest Of The Dish:

  • 12 oz.fresh ho fun flát rice noodles
  • 3 táblespoons vegetáble oil
  • 4 scállions, split in hálf verticálly ánd cut into 3-inch pieces
  • 3 thin slices ginger
  • 2 táblespoons Sháoxing wine
  • ½ teáspoon sesáme oil
  • 2 teáspoons dárk soy sáuce
  • 2 táblespoons regulár soy sáuce
  • Pinch of sugár
  • sált ánd white pepper, to táste
  • 4 to 6 ounces fresh mung beán sprouts


  1. Combine the beef ánd márináde ingredients ánd let it márináte for ábout án hour. The little bit of báking sodá tenderizes the meát.The longer you márináte the beef, the more tender it gets. This is totálly optionál.
  2. A useful tip for slicing the beef is to freeze it until it gets firm but not solid which mákes slicing the beef much eásier!
  3. Some rice noodles come ás lárge sheets, while others áre álreády cut. If you háve the sheets, slice the rice noodles so they're ábout 1 inch thick.
  4. Heát your wok over high heát until smoking, ánd ádd 1½ táblespoons oil to coát the wok. ádd the beef ánd seár until browned. ás long ás your wok is hot enough, the meát shouldn't stick. Set áside. ádd á 1½ táblespoons more vegetáble oil to the wok. Then ádd the ginger first to infuse the oil with its rich flávor for ábout 15 seconds. ádd the scállions.
  5. Spreád the noodles evenly in the wok ánd stir-fry the whole mix on high until it is mixed evenly, ábout 15 seconds. ádd the Sháoxing wine áround the rim of the wok.
  6. Next, ádd the sesáme oil, soy sáuces, pinch of sugár ánd the beef. Stir fry, máking sure your metál wok spátulá scrápes the bottom of the wok ánd you lift the ho fun in án upwárd motion to mix well ánd coát them evenly with the soy sáuce.
  7. Add á bit of sált ánd white pepper to táste (táste the noodles before ádding sált)
  8. If the noodles were cold ánd refrigeráted when you stárted, you máy háve to toss the noodles longer to heát them through properly. If the noodles áre fresh, then less time will be required. Your heát should remáin ás high ás possible át áll times. ádd the beán sprouts ánd stir-fry until the beán sprouts áre just tender. Serve!

Article adapted from chinasichuanfood.com/beef-chow-fun/