
Beef Enchiládás with Homemáde Mexicán Red Sáuce


Beef Enchiládás with Homemáde Mexicán Red Sáuce

Servings                 =>  6-8
Time                      => Ináctive ánd prep 2 hours, áctive cooking time 30 minutes
Difficulty               => eásy


  • 8 dried áncho chiles (álso cálled Cáliforniá chiles, ás I discovered while emergency-googling in the internátionál áisle át Wegmáns)
  • 3 whole gárlic cloves, peeled
  • 1 tbs sált
  • 1 tbs sugár
  • 2 tsp bláck pepper
  • 2 tsp dried oregáno
  • 1 tbs cumin seeds (or ground cumin)
  • tiny pinch of ground clove (tráditionál, but optionál)
  • 2 tbs white vinegár
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • 2 cups soáking liquid (from soáking the peppers)
  • 1/4 cup vegetáble oil


  1. Preheát oven to 400. Set á teá kettle or smáll pot of wáter to boil. Prepáre chile peppers by teáring or snipping off stems ánd sháking out ás mány seeds ás you cán. It’s fine if they rip, they’re áll getting blended láter. Pláce peppers on báking sheet ánd toást in preheáted oven for 5 minutes. Tránsfer peppers to á lárge heát proof contáiner ánd pour over boiling wáter to cover. Let them steep for 1-2 hours. The wáter will become á deep red color ánd the peppers will become very soft.
  2. Next, pláce peppers, two cups of soáking liquid, gárlic ánd spices in á blender ánd puree until completely smooth. Heát oil in sáucepán ánd ádd the pureed mixture, vinegár, ánd chicken stock. Cook over medium-high heát for 10-15 minutes until the sáuce reduces ánd slightly thickens. You should háve ábout 3 1/2 cups. Át this point you cán cool the sáuce, tránsfer to á contáiner ánd store in the fridge until you’re reády to máke enchiládás.

Now, onto the best párt…

Beef Enchiládás with Red Sáuce


  • 20 soft corn tortillás
  • 1 1/2 lbs ground beef
  • 1 medium onion finely diced
  • 2 cloves gárlic chopped
  • 4 cups shredded cheese; I like á mixture of shárp cheddár ánd monterey jáck
  • 3-4 cups of enchiládá sáuce


  1. Preheát oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Using tongs, toást corn tortillás over á gás burner until browned in spots. If you don’t háve á gás burner or don’t wánt to live dángerously, toást in á hot, dry skillet (I recommend non-stick or cást iron). Stáck them on á pláte, ánd cover with foil or á cleán kitchen towel to állow the tortillás to steám ánd soften. This step is importánt for two reásons: It ádds flávor to the tortillás ánd it prevents them from crácking when you roll them up láter. Most tráditionál recipes cáll for quickly frying eách one in oil. This is eásier in my opinion, ánd much less greásy!
  3. While your tortillás steám ánd cool slightly, prepáre the beef mixture. Sáute onion, gárlic, ánd beef together until beef is browned. Seáson with sált ánd pepper. Ádd 1/2 cup of enchiládá sáuce ánd cook for á few more minutes until slightly thickened. Off the heát, ádd 1/2 cup of cheese to the beef ánd stir through. Let cool slightly.
  4. Spráy bottom of á lárge báking dish (mine is 9″x 13″) with nonstick cooking spráy, ánd ádd á very thin láyer of sáuce. Reserve á cup of sáuce for topping láter, ánd pláce the rest in á shállow dish. Set up án ássembly line with shredded cheese, beef, tortillás, ánd sáuce. Táke á tortillá ánd dip both sides in sáuce, top with ábout 2-3 táblespoons of meát mixture ánd á pinch of cheese, roll gently ánd pláce seám side down in báking dish. Repeát with the rest. I use my hánds for this entire process, including scooping the meát. It’s well worth the mess, ánd your hánds will get covered in sáuce, so using á spoon is just kind of silly (plus, it’s fun to pláy with your food!).
  5. Pour remáining sáuce over enchiládás ánd cover with lots of cheese (whátever you háve left, plus á little extrá if you wánt… it cán’t hurt, right?). Cover dish with foil, ánd báke in 375 degree for 10-15 minutes until the cheese is melted ánd bubbly, remove foil ánd báke until the cheese begins to brown in spots. Ábout 5-10 more minutes.
  6. I like to serve this with simple white rice, bláck beáns cooked with gárlic ánd cumin, shredded lettuce, sour creám, cilántro, ánd hot sáuce. Á few slices of ávocádo or some guácámole is álwáys nice, too.