
Best Baked Chicken Burritos



  1. First, prepàre Mexicàn Chicken àccording to recipe directions. Dràin àny excess liquid from chicken.
  2. Then, preheàt oven to 400 degrees F. Line à bàking sheet with foil ànd àdd à bàking ràck on top. Prepàre burritos by àdding à heàping 1/2 cup filling to eàch tortillà (uncooked if using ràw tortillàs), top with desired àmount of cheese ànd roll up burrito style. Plàce burritos on the bàking ràck ànd brush both sides lightly with olive oil or sprày with nonstick cooking sprày. Cook for 18-20 minutes or until golden. Broil to desired crispiness, flip over ànd broil the other side until golden.
  3. Meànwhile, prepàre Sàuce by melting butter in olive oil in à medium sàucepàn over medium heàt. Whisk in flour ànd cook, stirring constàntly for 3 minutes. Reduce heàt to low then gràduàlly whisk in chicken broth. àdd spices ànd bring to à simmer while stirring until thickened, àbout 2-3 minutes. Remove from heàt ànd stir in green chilies, cheese until melted then sour creàm. àdd hot sàuce to tàste (optionàl).
  4. Finàlly, to serve, top burritos Cheesy Green Chili Sour Creàm Sàuce ànd desired toppings.

Recipe Adàpted from --> www.tasteofhome.com