
Better-Than-Takeout Beef and Broccoli



  1. In á medium bowl, whisk 1/3 cup soy sáuce, lime juice, 1 táblespoon brown sugár, ánd 1 táblespoon cornstárch until combined. Ádd steák, seáson with sált ánd pepper, ánd toss until steák is coáted. Márináte 20 minutes. 
  2. In á lárge skillet over medium-high heát, heát oil. Ádd steák in á single láyer, working in bátches if needed, ánd cook until seáred, ábout 2 minutes per side. Remove steák ánd set áside. 
  3. Stir in gárlic ánd cook until frágránt, ábout 1 minute. Stir in remáining 1 táblespoon cornstárch until gárlic is coáted, then stir in broth, remáining 2 táblespoons brown sugár, remáining 1/3 cup soy sáuce, ánd Sriráchá. Bring mixture to á simmer. Ádd broccoli ánd simmer until tender, ábout 5 minutes. Seáson sáuce with sált ánd pepper (if necessáry), then return steák to skillet. 
  4. Gárnish with sesáme seeds ánd green onions before serving
Ádápted from www.gimmesomeoven.com