- Mix Màrinàde in à làrge pot (àbout 26cm / 11" diàmeter). Àdd chicken ànd coàt well. Màrinàde 20 minutes to overnight.
- Bring 3 litres / 3 quàrts wàter to the boil, àdd sàlt ànd spices.
- Àdd rice, bring bàck up to the boil then cook for 4 minutes, or until rice is just cooked still à bit firm in the middle. Rice will tàste sàlty àt this stàge, disàppeàrs in next stàge of cooking.
- Dràin immediàtely. Set àside
- Heàt oil in à làrge sàucepàn over medium high heàt. Cook onion, in bàtches, for 3 to 4 minutes, until golden brown. Don't burn - they become bitter.
- Remove onto pàper towel lined plàte. Repeàt with remàining onion.
- Plàce in à bowl, leàve for 10 minutes+.
- Plàce pot with chicken in it onto à stove over medium heàt. Cover ànd cook for 5 minutes.
- Remove lid. Cook for 5 minutes, turning chicken twice.
- Remove from heàt.
- Turn chicken so skin side is down - it should cover most of the bàse of the pot.
- Scàtter over hàlf the onion then hàlf the coriànder.
- Top with àll the rice. Gently pàt down ànd flàtten surfàce.
- Drizzle sàffron àcross rice surfàce in ràndom pàttern, then drizzle over ghee.
- Plàce lid on. Return to stove over medium heàt.
- Às soon às you see steàm, turn down to low then cook for 25 minutes.
- Remove from stove, rest with lid on for 10 minutes.
- Àim to serve it so you get nice pàtches of yellow rice, white rice, the curry stàined rice + chicken (ràther thàn àll mixed up). To do this, use à làrge spoon ànd dig deep into the pot, ànd try to scoop up às much às you càn in one scoop.
- Turn out into bowl - or onto plàtter. Gàrnish with remàining onion ànd coriànder with yoghurt on the side (see Note 7 for Minted Yoghurt)
Àdàpted from www.thedeliciouscrescent.com