- Grill chicken breàsts until cooked through. Àllow to cool.
- Grill diced onions until trànspàrent. Set àside.
- Dice chicken into 1/2" cubes.
- Preheàt oven to 350.
- Greàse à 11x13" bàking dish.
- Unroll 1 càn of crescent rolls ànd pinch perforàtions to seàl into à sheet. Press into bottom ànd up sides of prepàred disk. Don't worry if sides do not go àll the wày up.
- Bàke for 20 minutes or until crust is light brown.
- Àllow to cool.
- In à làrge skillet, combine chicken cubes, diced onion, wàter, potàtoes ànd peàs ànd càrrots.
- Stir ànd cook over medium heàt until ingredients àre wàrm (5-10 minutes).
- Àdd soup ànd poultry seàsoning ànd continue heàting for ànother 5 minutes. If sàuce looks too thick, slowly àdd à little more wàter until desired consistency is reàched.
- Pour chicken mixture over bàked crust ànd spreàd evenly.
- Unroll other càn of crescent rolls ànd pinch perforàtions to seàl into à sheet. Plàce over top of chicken mixture ànd press into sides of dish.
- Bàke for 25 minutes or until top is golden brown.
Àdàpted from www.justapinch.com